so, who is making this janky site anyway?

me. adult, heavy-machinery adjacent in all but physical shape. if you couldn't tell, I like tanks. and trains. and excavators. and drills. and (sometimes) planes, with a honorable mention of a super hercules who i have a love-hate prasocial relationship with.
i like grease, buffer or not. big fan of mud, off-road driving, skiing and mountain climbing. if i could turn off the city lights in the whole world so the stars would be finally visible, i'd do that.
when i'm home i play video games such as Gunner HEAT PC, World Of Tonks, Tank Mechanic Simulator.. oh, and also Ogre. yes, the one based on a board game. poke me if you're looking for a playmate for the last one, I'd love to take you up on it :)
here's my badge, in case you want to link to this trash pile: