To have a closer look, left click on an image and open it in a new tab. Enjoy! :)

Aristophanes traveling through a birch forest after having a quite puzzling dream. The weirdest thing is that there were humans in it, it has to be some sort of a bad omen... Or maybe a good one?

Architekt, a sort of a cryptid demiurge. It is mentioned in scholarly texts and theology books as a hypothetical "Creator of the Universe": the leading theory is that since there is no real main creator god in the tank pantheon, so the tanks invented it themselves.

"A yellow ribbon or cloth, wrapped quadruple around a gun of the one who is no longer among living, is essential to assure the Soul does not exit the husk in an uncontrolled manner, before the Wolf has a chance to collect it." - Excerpt from a short publication titled Wildling Funerary Rites distributed widely in the East. Author unknown.

North Star, a tank which sees better in the night than during the day due to extensive modifications made on them during the time they were young. Due to habit and the way their internals are constructed, they are unable to change their configuration, thus are resigned to prowl the darkness and avoid the scorching mid-day sun.

A scavenger with their newest prize: a remnant of offshot and outright insane human ideas of making half-organic and half-mechanical chimeras that acted as living spy submarines: night impossible to detect when they only swam around and collected data. Now, those hulking creatures wash up on beaches in various states of decay. They are a good source of precious metals and electronic components, not to mention you can sell the stored information to some knowledge-hungry scholar.

A Scout doing what Scouts do best: with main antennae extended, she is searching the air for unknown signals. The sensitive material covering the second antenna makes her able to pick miniscule movement of particles, such as subtle lidar pings or crunching of leaves under a pair of treads a clearing away.

Thor, a rather wobbly Attacker (both in body and spirit). Odin's only companion: desperately craves friendship, protection and the feeling of someone watching your back. Is paranoid to the point of hypervigilance.

An aloof Vers, with an affinity for ravens (but it is debatable whether he has an affinity for them, or they are drawn to his black mottled hull like metal filings to a particularly strong magnet). His favourite place to be is some sort of a scholarly one, with plenty of books and places to quietly doze off.

Putting bits and pieces of grass and foliage on yourself is not a novel idea of camouflage in the slightest, but this guy took the idea above and beyond. To their chargin, their flankmate thinks this looks hilarious.

A rather crude illustration of a tank covered in ice and snow. Despite what the description provides, it does not seem merry in the slightest.

Sometimes insulating provides a purpose to help isolate interna components from being damaged by cold temperatures. Sometimes it just provides comfort and a nice, fluffy texture, which is maybe as important.

raileater but literally



A train with impulse control worse than an unmedicated ADHD student, versus a bright yellow cable.

Machines are capable of reading small text of course, but it works better when the text is far away. Else they might need glasses.

Bonus: a tank hug! To hug your friend properly, you need to lay your gun on their engine deck, and they should do the same to you. As a result, both of you are comfortable and content. Blankets optional!